Ferrell Foundation
Gifts to Ferrell Hospital Community Foundation impact health care in visible ways. With the generous help of past patients and families, employees, community philanthropists, corporations, volunteers and many others who share the Ferrell vision, Ferrell Hospital Community Foundation is able to continue providing quality health care close to home.
To learn more about our current initiatives and how to give, call 618-297-9606 or contact us below.
Ferrell Hospital Community Foundation Mission
Through a legacy of building relationships and channeling family and community compassion, the Ferrell Hospital Community Foundation is committed to broadening financial resources to sustain programs, projects and services.
Naming Opportunities - Leaving a Legacy
We appreciate your generosity and want to make this experience as seamless as possible, which is why we offer different payment plans to fit into your budget. You can select a payment plan that allows you to pay annually or monthly for 5 years. The naming plaque will proudly displayed in that area for a specified number of years, depending on the area of the hospital. We accept gift in the form of estate, endowment or cash.
Legacy Spaces
Listed below are spaces currently available for naming dependent on the level of giving. This list is not exhaustive, naming rights are available for other gifts, such as landmarks or landscaping, buildings, equipment, meeting rooms, public spaces, permanent endowment funds, programs, awards, etc.
- Emergency Department - $250,000
- Surgery Department - $250,000
- Front Lobby - $200,000
- Cafeteria - $150,000
- Inpatient Therapy - $75,000
- Courtyard (1 opportunities available) - $50,000
- Surgical Suite (2 opportunities available) - $20,000
- Endoscopy Suite - $15,000
- Medical/Surgery Department Nurses Station - $10,000
- ER Triage Room - $10,000
- Clinic Room (24 opportunities available) - $5,000
- Patient Room (20 opportunities available) - $8,000
The long-term future of Ferrell Hospital has been a collective vision, combining the efforts of the Ferrell Hospital staff and the community. The saying goes, “it takes a village” and no truer words haven been spoken when it comes to health care.
It takes a village of nurses, providers and staff to keep a hospital at the top of its game. It takes a village of neighbors who put their trust in us to provide them and their loved ones with the best care. It’s that trust that inspires us to keep moving Ferrell Hospital towards a bigger and brighter future-a future we’d like to ask you to be a part of.
Your contribution towards the completion of the Ferrell Hospital project will improve the lives of your friends, family and neighbors for generations to come.